Sonoma County Community Seed Bank

West County Community Seed Bank meets monthly on the last Saturday of the month (except Nov. and Dec) from 9 -11:30 am to share seeds, plants, resources and local gardening and food information.

Our vision is to create a network of seed savers that build a repository of locally grown seed for Sonoma County gardeners. The seed is offered free to anyone who will use it, and the goal is to have it be an exchange where people take seed and they bring seed to share.  In order to build the network of seed savers, we offer classes in seed saving and other food gardening skills.

The Community Seed Garden is a new project of the WCCSB, located at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Sebastopol.  We are caretaking a 1/2 acre garden the main purpose of which is to grow seed for the seed bank.  The seed garden allows us to grow more seed than many of our home gardens allow.  The garden will be used as an educational tool to teach about the seed saving process.

Creating a local source of seed is an important part of creating a healthy and resilient local food system. Seed is the beginning of the food cycle.
St Stephen's Church
500 Robinson Way in Sebastopol

Monthly seed bank meetings include:
a garden work party from 9:00-10:30
a class from 10:30-11:30,
and seeds available all the time.

Bring plants and seeds, questions and experience to share.
For more information contact Sara at 829-5234

Also check out the seed bank blog at

All are welcome, including children!



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